
Attendance is a priority for everyone at the Academy. Our attendance mentors and keyworkers are on hand to support students with individual targets and help them with any barriers or worries they may have around coming to school and being on time in the mornings.

At the Academy, attendance and safeguarding work closely together and any absence to school will be followed up with parents/carers on the first day of absence and each subsequent day. We also request that parents/carers contact the school if your child is going to be absent.

To support student attendance at school and achieve the best possible outcomes we will keep parents and carers informed of any decrease in attendance if this reaches certain levels. For students who continue to have low attendance we will request medical evidence of further absence, and we also ask that any medical appointments be made outside of school hours where at all possible to minimise the disruption to learning which absence from school can cause.

We acknowledge that some students may have concerns and anxieties about attending school and encourage parents/carers to contact the Academy at the earliest possible opportunity so we can work together to overcome such barriers, and work with the young person to re-engage in their learning and enjoy school once again. For some students, this may involve a review of their provision, and for others this may mean that the school works closely with our allocated CBC attendance Officer to find the best route to ensure every student is able to access their education.