Ethos and Values

The Academy of Central Bedfordshire exists to make a positive difference to each of our students. We do this by recognising everyone as an individual and providing a personalised approach to their education to enable them to learn, mature and thrive. This is reinforced through our mission statement:

The ACB is a school where we are all happy and safe, where we develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually and where everyone refines their talents and skills allowing them to transition successfully to the next stage of their life.”

The Academy of Central Bedfordshire has three values that sit at the heart of its operation.

Achieving - By making sure that our pupils place their best effort into all they do, they will achieve either academically, personally or socially. Their achievement may happen quickly or may be at the end of many attempts at the same task and may look different to others.

Caring - Our pupils will care for others within the Academy by ensuring that they are respectful and considerate of others and their individual differences by making sure that they are looking after their own well-being and making positive choices and actions in the things that they do.

Belonging - Our pupils are proud to belong to a school which focuses on supporting them as individuals. They work within the systems of the school and ensure that they do their best to make others feel part of our school community.

We have established a successful range of partnerships with our commissioning schools, Central Bedfordshire Council and neighbouring local authorities, local and national businesses, charities and community organisations for the benefit of the children in our care. These partnerships provide additional support and opportunities for our students and help to inspire them to become active learners and valued members of the community. We work hard to involve parents, carers and those who are already supporting our children and young people. Our entire team is passionate about removing barriers to learning for our students and absolutely committed to helping them transform their lives.