Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement 2019 - 2020


The Government provides pupil premium funding which is additional to main school funding. Its purpose is to help address national inequalities between the achievements of children eligible for free school meals or children in care when compared with their peers. In the 2019-2020 financial year schools will receive £935 funding for each secondary aged pupil registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years. 

Central Bedfordshire Virtual School will also receive £2300 for each looked after pupil who 

  • Has been looked after for one day or more 
  • Was adopted from care, or left care under a special guardianship order or a residence order. 

Central Bedfordshire Virtual School allocates this money to the Link School according to the numbers of looked after children on roll during the academic year. 

In 2019/20 the Academy of Central Bedfordshire received £50,459 in Pupil Premium funding.


Where the Funding is Spent 


Intervention: 1:1 Home Tuition

Cost: £14,700

Aim: To ensure that learners, and their families, at risk of complete disengagement from education are provided with tuition and practical and emotional support. 490 sessions were delivered to pupil premium students.

Impact: 75% of Yr 11 students made better than expected progress from baseline (52.3% the previous year). Further impact measures were difficult to ascertain due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions.


Intervention: Academic 1-2-1 intervention 

Cost: £3000

Aim: To support students progress towards academic targets. There were 100 (up until March 2020) Literacy, Numeracy interventions and science interventions. 

Impact: 75% of Yr 11 students made better than expected progress from baseline (52.3% the previous year). Further impact measures were difficult to ascertain due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions.


Intervention: External Provision

Cost: £31,229

Aim:  To provide additional educational opportunities for selected pupils and support selected pupils in maintaining their education provision

Impact: 10 students achieved additional qualifications, 8 students were able to attend therapeutic provision supporting their wider education engagement. Further impact measures were difficult to ascertain due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions.


Intervention: Uniform Assistance

Cost: £1892

Aim: To remove barriers to inclusion and attendance  for pupil premium pupils

Impact: This would normally be measured against the attendance of pupil premium pupils compared to the whole school average however this was not possible due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions and the effect these had on school attendance.

Intervention: Work related opportunities/Careers 

Cost: £700

Aim: To support pupils in developing the skills required to be successful in a workplace environment and learn about prospective employment opportunities 

Impact:  Both students have continued to engage with their provision.


In 2020/2021 the Academy of Central Bedfordshire  expects to receive £39,655 in pupil premium. Spending plans include 

  • Continuing to support the funding of one to one tutors. 
  • Enrichment activities to be offered to allow for increased participation from disadvantaged learners 
  • Work related learning opportunities to improve personal and interpersonal skills e.g. resilience, team work, confidence, communication etc 
  • Additional careers and information guidance support for disadvantaged learners; including 1:2:1 interviews/information sessions.