
Science at ACB is full of fun. From oobleck to extracting DNA our pupils have access to a series of practicals that make science not only enjoyable but also an enriching experience. Our science department aims to make connections between science and other subjects within the academy to ensure that our pupils are aware that science is everywhere. We support our KS4 students through the achievement of Biology GCSE and, depending on their scientific interests, additional Chemistry and Physics. 



  • To develop a sense of enquiry with which to comprehend and wonder at the ingenuity of the universe.
  • Develop confidence to reason scientifically, and to be able to apply this logic to the students' dealings with the wider world.
  • Understand processes and methods of science through different types of enquiries that help the student to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Develop understanding of the natural processes and system.



  • Students are appropriately challenged , and are able to achieve.
  • Regular assessments are used as a vehicle for students to reflect on students progress and identify areas that require further development.
  • Physically examine concepts behind everyday scientific phenomena.
  • Adaptable detailed Schemes of Learnings contain a wide variety of resources, activities and rich tasks which facilitate consistently high quality lessons being delivered by all teachers of science


  • To be on track to reach the students full potential in their Science GCSE which opens the door to many careers and opportunities.
  • To be able to reason clearly and logically, and to be able to apply this structured thinking to  a wide range of applications in their everyday life.
  • To be able to see the impact of science in the students future careers
  • To be able use the underpinning knowledge gained from their science studies to improve the students own health and wellbeing and that of the students’ families throughout their lives.



Opportunities to explore different career routes, including academic and vocational, will be given within science by :

  • Discussion during key topic areas of both the ks3 & 4 syllabus;- link this to a range of jobs related to each area of the syllabus.
  • Posters showing websites which outlining a range of science influenced jobs - outlining an overview, salary, and prospects.



In all lessons staff will overtly direct students to discuss or reflect upon an aspect of SMSC which is relevant to the topic being learned. This will explicitly be achieved in science by,

Highlighting and discussing  ethical and moral issues pertaining to parts of the syllabus such as medical treatment, global resources, cost and availability of medicines, population growth, genetic engineering, global warming, habitat, diversity, sustainability.

Science in the news including current events and how these affect STEM, new research into scientific areas.




