Intent - For pupils to receive a high-quality life skills education through a curriculum which:
- supports the personal and social development of all students. The students each come from diverse backgrounds, expressing a spectrum of beliefs and values
- is to ensure that the students have the ability to accept their own and others’ beliefs, values, identity, religion, sexuality, personal traits in positive ways and to enjoy relationships based on mutual respect and responsibility, free from any abuse.
- Ensures learners have every opportunity to share their opinions, thoughts and explore ideas that will contribute to them becoming global citizens
- Develop their own personal growth and engagement in, and through, learning
- Engage in learning that is relevant to them and support their development of personal skills and attributes that are essential for working life and employment
- Prepare themselves for progression into further education programmes, apprenticeships or other work based learning
- Develop their practical English and mathematics skills
- PSHRE is not an isolated subject: it permeates the whole school curriculum, the ethos of the school, the pastoral system and is informed by the role models given by staff.
- Opportunities should be used as they occur for answering students’ questions and exploring issues as they arise.
- All curriculum lessons will be mapped according the statutory guidance and cover key areas surrounding relationships education, mental health and other areas of personal growth
- Students are appropriately challenged, but are able to achieve success at their level.
- The SCoL is adapted from the PSHRE Association Program of Study for KS3 and KS4, wth some elements of KS2 and KS1 incorporated where this is deemed necessary as identified through student prior learning and individual need. In particular, the SCoL for the current year 11 has been written to incorporate the statutory content bearing in mind the impact of school closure prior to the summer 2020.
- The SCoL is based on a spiral delivery to ensure the statutory content to is delivered and revisited throughout the year to take into account the transitory nature of our students as well as to ensure opportunities for cognitive recall and mastery of learning
- All students will be offered opportunities to achieve level 1 & level 2 qualifications through coursework based modules in Key Stage 4, in line with the Prince’s Trust qualifications where these units overlap with the wider PSHRE Programme of Study - this is particularly relevant with the strand focused on Careers and the World of Work.
At the end of their Prince’s Trust at ACB, we expect students to:
- Demonstrate the ability to recognise and accept their own and others’ beliefs, values, identity, religion, sexuality, personal traits in positive ways and to enjoy relationships based on mutual respect and responsibility, free from any abuse.
- Be on track to receive a recognised qualification that is appropriate for their level (Level 1 or Level 2)
- Have been given opportunities to reflect on their future plans/careers and what they want to do with their lives (whilst understanding the steps they need to take to get there)
- Have the opportunity on how to reflect on and build effective relationships with their peers and move on to becoming functioning members of society
- Understand how to keep themselves and others safe in society, including online, and in relation to the Equality Act 2010.