ACB Results 2022-23

GCSE Highlights 2022-23 (comparison only made with the AY 2021-22 and 2019. TAG grades disregarded for this comparison)

In summary, the percentage of our cohort achieving GCSE 9-1 on the total of Year 11 students (including those that haven’t been entered for their
respective GCSEs):

  • English Language - this academic year (69.09%) decreased slightly compared to last year (71.43%) and increased significantly from 2019 (56.90%).
  • The percentage of our cohort achieving GCSE 9-1 within maths this year (67.27%) increased significantly from last year (59.50%) and increased slightly
    from 2019 (66.70%).
  • The percentage of our cohort achieving GCSE 9-1 within English and maths (61.82%) increased significantly from last year (53.49%) and increased
    significantly from 2019 (54.90%).
  • The percentage of the cohort achieving GCSE 9-1 Biology (61.82%) decreased slightly from last year (66.6%) and increased significantly from 2019
  • 3.64% (2/55) achieved a Grade 4 or above in Maths remains stable compared to 4.7% (2/42) in 2021 and 32.5% (13/40) in 2019.
  • 3.64% (2/55) achieved a Grade 4 or above qualification in English remains stable compared to 4.7% (2/42) in 2021 and 15.7% (8/51) in 2019.
  • The number of entries for both maths and English continues to increase (85.45%) from 84.3% in 2019 (no comparison to AY 21-22 as all pupils were
    entered due to being the first year of GCSE after TAG).
  • Entries for GCSE Biology (80%) increased significantly from last year (69.04%) and from 2019 (72.5%).
  • 1.82% of our cohort achieved at least 5 GCSEs 9-1.
  • 1.82% of our cohort achieved at least 4 GCSEs 9-1.